Thursday, July 10, 2008

Being a Goober

Yesterday Liam had his one-year check-up! He weighs 27 lb. 14 oz. (>95th percentile), he's 32 inches tall (>95th %), and he's a very healthy boy.

After the appointment, everything was normal until bedtime. It took almost two hours of screaming and crying before he fell asleep around 9...then he woke up at 2 a.m. and wouldn't fall back to sleep until 3:40 a.m. and got up again at 6. Mommy was very tired today (Daddy's been in Florida all week for work) - - but when Liam is being a goober, the tiredness isn't so bad.

This afternoon we spent some time outside again after work & day care. Who could be tired or have a bad day around this goofy boy?!?!

Almost forgot - - on Tuesday (July 8th) Liam stood on his own, without holding on! Chaka (our cat) was napping on the cot that was still in our office from our weekend guests. Liam crawled over and stood up - while holding on - to pet Chaka. Then he pointed to some toys on top of the file cabinet, so I grabbed them. I held one out, and Liam took it with one hand. I held the second one out, and Liam took that one in his other hand. He stood there for at least a minute before he realized what he was doing, and sat back on his tush. It was so exciting - I could hardly breathe!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

In the Backyard

Monday, July 7 -
After work and day care, Liam and mommy had some fun in the backyard. Liam loved watching mommy blow bubbles, and watching them float and pop. He also had a great time playing with the new red ball from Grandma and Grandpa.

My New Zebra

Sunday, July 6 -
Today was all about post-party clean-up for the grown-ups, and all about fun new toys for Liam! This zebra is from Grandma and's a big hit!

Liam's Birthday Bash - Part I

Saturday, July 5 -
Aunt Karen came over last Friday...Uncle Brian got here on Thursday...Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt T got in on Friday, and everyone else joined the party on Saturday! It was a beautiful day and Liam was an absolute angel. People started to arrive around 2:30, which is when Liam started his afternoon nap. After about an hour, he decided to make his grand entrance. Even though there were lots of unfamiliar faces, he was a smiley boy all afternoon.

Liam even sat through all the present opening! He had so much fun with the tissue paper, and just being his goofball self. Liam had a great time playing in the grass with Evan - they even gave each other a hug. As always, Liam had fun with Sayj (his doggie friend). And Liam made a new friend, Sam. She was so good with Liam, jumping with him and sitting in the grass with him. It was a very happy birthday for our one-year-old boy!

Liam and Evan:

Fun with tissue paper:

Making his get-away from the present-opening-process (don't worry - he came back for more!):

Monday, July 7, 2008

Fun with Balloons

Saturday, June 28 -
Last week at Amelia's birthday party, Liam got a punching balloon in his goodie bag. He didn't like it at first, but now he thinks it's hilarious.